Appointment Hour Booking Blog

The easy way to create powerful booking forms for WordPress websites.

Blog / Minimun available date: min time required before a booking

Minimun available date: min time required before a booking

In most cases it is necessary to prevent the booking of past dates or to require some time in advance for a booking (close time-slots at some given time prior to the appointment). This page explains how to setup the minimum time required before the appointment.

The following is the settings field that can be used for setting up the minimum time required before the appointment:

min date calendar

You can click the "help" link next to the "Min date" label, however here are some of the commonly accepted values for the "Min date" field:

1- For disabling past hours put a zero: 0

2- For requiring some number of hours in advance, for example for 2 hours like in the above screenshot put: +2h

3- For requiring some number of days advance, for example 3 days, put: +3d

4- For a fixed date, for example if the bookings are opened on a specific date before an event, then put the complete date in the date format indicated on the date format settings, example (if the date format is mm/dd/yyyy): 11/05/2024

5- To don't apply min date at all, leave empty the "Min date" field.

6- If you put a single number that means number of days from today. For example 2 represents two days from today and -1 represents yesterday.

7- A smart text indicating a relative date. Relative dates must contain value (number) and period pairs; valid periods are "y" for years, "m" for months, "w" for weeks, and "d" for days. For example, "+1m +7d" represents one month and seven days from today.

While the above are the most common requirements, the "Min date" also supports more complex rules as explained below.

Advanced minimum available date rules

The following are some more complex rules for the "Min date" field, this rules have the format hours@00:00 where the first number "hours" is the number of hours to finish the day and the second part @00:00 is a fixed mark at this point. Let's see some samples:

1- If you want to allow bookings for tomorrow until the 10:00 PM of today, then use 26h@00:00 ... that means "24 hours" before to move the mark one day before the available times plus the "2 hours" from the 10:00 PM to the end of the day.

2- If you want to allow bookings for tomorrow until the 03:00 PM of today, then use 33h@00:00 ... that means "24 hours" before to move the mark one day before the available times plus the "9 hours" from the 03:00 PM to the end of the day.

3- If you want to allow bookings for two days in advanced until the 11:00 AM of today, then use 61h@00:00 ... that means "48 hours" before to move the mark two days before the available times plus the "13 hours" from the 11:00 PM to the end of the day.

Feedback about these features will be welcome, feel free to open a support ticket for any question.