Appointment Hour Booking Blog

The easy way to create powerful booking forms for WordPress websites.

Blog / Address auto-complete fields using the Google Maps API

Address auto-complete fields using the Google Maps API

The add-on "Address auto-complete (Google Maps)" allows to convert form fields into address auto-complete fields using the Google Maps API. This way the customer start typing the address into a field and the correct address will be suggested/auto-completed using the Google Maps API.

To use this feature start enabling the "Address auto-complete (Google Maps)" add-on:

enable address auto-complete

Be sure to add the address fields to the booking form, in most cases you will prefer to use "Single Line" text fields for this purpose. Add one field for the street address (this will be the main field that will be used to start the auto-complete) and other fields for the city, state, zip and/or country as needed.

With those fields already added to the form, go to the step 6 of the form settings to connect those fields to the auto-complete feature:

auto-complete fields

The Google Maps API key is required and must have enabled the "Google Places API" and "Google Maps JavaScript API" for the project at the Google Console. If there is some problem with the API key it will appear reported in the browser console (use CTRL+SHIFT+i in most browsers to display the browser console panel).

You can optionally restrict the addresses to a specific country.

In the public booking form, the street address fields will suggest the address as soon as the user starts typing and the other address fields will be automatically filled after selecting the suggested address.

google maps auto-complete address

Feedback about these features will be welcome, feel free to open a support ticket for any question.